All results for "independent research"

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Strategies for Improving Homeless People’s Access to Mainstream Benefits and Services

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Click to read the full report.

Advancing Data on Homelessness in Eleven Communities

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs in the Office of Community Planning Development Click to read the full report.

Educating Homeless Children in Allegheny County: An Evaluation of Families, Agencies, and Services

DHS, Duquesne University School of Education and the Homeless Children’s Education Fund Click to read the full report.

The State of Technology in Aging Services in Pennsylvania

Center for Aging Services Technology, American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging Click to read the full report.

A Worthy Diversion

The Politics of Mental Illness, The American Prospect Special Report Click to read the full report.

Overview Report of Allegheny County Jail Collaborative Evaluation Findings

University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work, Center on Race and Social Problem Click to read the full report.

Time for Reform: Investing in Prevention, Keeping Children Safe At Home

Kids Are Waiting (KAW), the Pew Charitable Trusts Explores how the child welfare system in Allegheny County focuses on prevention services to successfully reduce the number of children in out-of-home […]

Allegheny County Jail Collaborative Evaluation

University of Pittsburgh Click to read the full report.

Behavioral Health Justice-Related Services and Beyond in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania

American Jails Magazine, November/December 2007 Click to read the full report.

2007 KIDS COUNT Data Book

Annie E. Casey Foundation Discusses Allegheny County’s investment in intensive, community-and home-based prevention services for families at risk of child abuse and/neglect Click to read the full report.