Children, Youth and Families

Research and analysis about our region’s families and children, including trends in the child welfare system, equity in services, and data innovations to connect with families who need support most.
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A Picture of Success: DHS-Funded Students Respond Enthusiastically to Arts Education Opportunity

With funding from Casey Family Programs, 30 students from grades seven through 12, involved with DHS’s child serving systems, attended studio classes at Manchester Craftsmen’s Guild in Pittsburgh. Participating in […]

Prevention Programs Across the Department of Human Services

DHS is committed to meeting the human services needs of county residents, particularly the county’s most vulnerable populations, through an extensive range of prevention, early intervention, crises management and after–care […]

Transforming Lives Through Systems Integration: The “Improving Outcomes for Children and Families” Initiative

DHS’s Improving Outcomes for Child and Families initiative utilized a service integration focus to serve families with multiple needs.  It was based on the belief that making systems work together […]

Residential Enhancement Service Planning Opportunities for New Directions Program (RESPOND): A Program Evaluation

RESPOND is an intensive treatment program designed to serve youth whose multiple needs (intellectual disability and significant behavioral challenges) are not able to be met through DHS’s current array of […]

Starting Early Together – Assessing a System of Care Initiative

Starting Early Together, a program of Allegheny County’s System of Care Initiative, was designed to serve children under six with serious emotional disturbances, and their families, in four high-need Allegheny […]

An Examination of Training for Family Support Center Staff

Family Support Center staff are required to meet hourly training goals each year, in addition to maintaining certifications for specific positions.  This training is primarily provided by the University of […]

Homewood: A Community Profile

This profile of the Pittsburgh neighborhood of Homewood (and subsequent Addendum) was compiled by DHS to assess demographic changes and examine quality of life issues-poverty, education, health care-in Homewood and […]

The Role of Race in Child Welfare System Involvement in Allegheny County

This study documents the service paths of African American and white children following referral to Allegheny County child welfare services, to identify and examine the factors related to service disparities. […]

Children of Incarcerated Parents

This report examines the human service experiences and potential needs of children of incarcerated parents. Click to read the full report. 

Time for Reform: Investing in Prevention, Keeping Children Safe At Home

Kids Are Waiting (KAW), the Pew Charitable Trusts Explores how the child welfare system in Allegheny County focuses on prevention services to successfully reduce the number of children in out-of-home […]

2007 KIDS COUNT Data Book

Annie E. Casey Foundation Discusses Allegheny County’s investment in intensive, community-and home-based prevention services for families at risk of child abuse and/neglect Click to read the full report.

On the Move: Helping Young Adults with Serious Mental Health Needs Transition to Adulthood – Partnerships for Youth Transitions (PYT)

National Network on Youth Transition for Behavioral Health Examines the results of the Partnerships for Youth Transitions initiatives funded by SAMHSA in five communities across the country, including Allegheny County […]

An Effective Child Welfare System and Evidence-based Practice for the Child Welfare System

National Family Preservation Network Discusses DHS’s use of innovative, evidence-based practices in the child welfare system to improve outcomes for children and families Click to read the full report.