Housing and Basic Needs

Landlord/Tenant Cases: Interactive Dashboard
What is this dashboard about? These interactive dashboards contain information about Landlord/Tenant cases filed in Allegheny County in magisterial district courts from 2012 to the present. Users can see information […]

Eviction Cases in Allegheny County
Allegheny County wanted to learn more about evictions in the region. A data report details numbers of cases filed, who is winning the cases, and how evictions affect low-income tenants.

Frequent Utilizers of Services in Allegheny County
What are these reports about? Nationally and locally, policymakers and practitioners are interested in the people who frequently use publicly funded services, particularly crisis services. Most people who use crisis […]

COVID-19 and Employment of Human Services Clients
Analysis of employment and earnings of people who rely on the public services of Allegheny County’s Department of Human Services.

Impacts of Housing Displacement on the Residents of Bethesda-Homewood Properties
In October 2017, more than 200 residents of predominantly Black neighborhoods in Pittsburgh’s East End were told that their rental subsidy would end within a month. This report looks at the impact of forced displacement and what types of social supports can help.

A Bumpy but Worthwhile Ride: data-driven efforts to improve housing coordination for people experiencing homelessness
Allegheny County established a coordinated entry system to prioritize the most vulnerable homeless clients to get them into housing as quickly as possible.

Veterans in Allegheny County’s Homeless Services System
The number of Veterans entering homeless assistance programs in Allegheny County consistently declined from 2014 through 2018. This report looks at details on demographics, housing program types and involvement with other County services.

COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program: Interactive Dashboard
Data available from 2021 to 2022.

Community Feedback from Allegheny County Residents During COVID-19
Input from community members is vital to the work that DHS does. Two reports describe feedback collected about residents’ needs and challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Allegheny County DHS Plan for COVID-19 Response
COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the Allegheny County Department of Human Services’ (DHS) goals, the types and volume of services we deliver in partnership with our network of […]

ACTION-Housing’s My Place Program: Innovative Housing for Allegheny County’s Vulnerable Youth
Since 2010, ACTION-Housing’s My Place program has provided housing and case management to Allegheny County youth who are either transitioning out of foster care or at-risk for homelessness. In 2013, […]

Moving to Opportunity or Disadvantage? An Analysis of Housing Choice Voucher and Rapid Rehousing Programs in Allegheny County
Two housing programs in Allegheny County, Rapid Rehousing (RRH) and the Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCV, or Section 8), provide monetary assistance to households so that families can rent from […]

Labor Market Experiences of Allegheny County Department of Human Services Clients
Since financial stability is an important part of people’s ability to live healthy and independent lives, Allegheny County Department of Human Services (DHS) wanted to learn more about the work […]

Improving Survey Outreach and Assessing Satisfaction Among DHS Homeless System Clients
Allegheny County homeless service programs are assessed yearly as part of a process of evaluating and prioritizing projects for funding. This evaluation process has historically been based on administrative data […]