Housing and Basic Needs

Analysis and research about housing and homelessness in our region, including shelter usage, annual counts of the homeless population, rental assistance programs, eviction and housing displacement.
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People Using Homelessness Programs: Interactive Dashboard

The dashboard below displays data about homelessness programs in Allegheny County and the clients using them. Data comes from the Allegheny County Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). Data is available […]

How Youth Flow In and Out of Homeless Services (2017)

This infographic depicts the flow of homeless youth in and out of Allegheny County’s homeless service system in 2017. Analyzing the housing services that youth used — in addition to the […]

Single Mothers Living in Poverty

Approximately 40 percent of the families headed by single mothers in Allegheny County are living below the poverty line, while only four percent of two-parent families are living in poverty. […]

How Youth Flow In and Out of Homeless Services (2016)

This infographic depicts the flow of homeless youth in and out of Allegheny County’s homeless service system. Analyzing the housing services that youth used — in addition to the places […]

Allegheny County YOUth Count 2016

The Allegheny County YOUth Count survey was initiated in 2015 to gain a more accurate count of youth experiencing housing instability. Data gathered was meant to enhance yearly HUD-required Point-in-Time […]

Homeless Services and Supports Coordination: A Qualitative Program Evaluation

Implemented at the end of 2013 and designed to provide service coordination and supports for families accessing Allegheny County’s four emergency homeless shelters, the Homeless Services and Supports Coordination program […]

Allegheny County YOUth Count 2015

This data brief summarizes the results of the YOUth Count survey, Allegheny County’s first point-in-time count focused specifically on the number and needs of homeless and/or unstably-housed youth ages 18 […]

Families Involved in the Allegheny County Homelessness System

In 2014, the Allegheny County Department of Human Services (DHS) conducted a review of its homelessness services system as a first step in planning for and promoting effective strategies for […]

Individuals Involved in the Allegheny County Homelessness System

This report describes individuals who experienced a housing crisis in Allegheny County from 2009 through 2013, with a particular focus on the 2009 entry cohort. Click here to read the […]

Sharing Data to Support Homeless Students in Allegheny County

Schools districts and human service systems define homelessness differently (as mandated by their respective regulatory and funding entities), resulting in many youth who are known to only one system. While […]

Homeless in Allegheny County: The Client Experience

DHS conducted a review of Allegheny County’s services for homeless individuals and families, as part of a strategic plan to improve the quality, accessibility and comprehensiveness of the system; this […]

Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste: Building a Better Home-Delivered Meals System

When its largest provider of Home -Delivered Meals (HDM) suddenly decided to discontinue its service, the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) had just weeks to ensure that 800 frail and […]

I’ll Never Get Used to It: Young People Living on the Street

Designed to inform local leaders, this report places the issue of homeless youth within a national context and provides information about local need, services and strategies to prevent and address […]

Immigrants and Refugees in Allegheny County: Scan and Needs Assessment

This assessment provides information on local immigrant and refugee populations in order to identify current and emerging service needs, gaps and barriers. It includes a set of recommendations for improving […]

Prevention Programs Across the Department of Human Services

DHS is committed to meeting the human services needs of county residents, particularly the county’s most vulnerable populations, through an extensive range of prevention, early intervention, crises management and after–care […]