Substance Use and Mental Health

Data and analysis on substance use and mental health in our region, including use of publicly funded treatment services and trends in drug overdoses and suicides.
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Allegheny County Opioid Settlement Projects

New information added. This post includes information on current Allegheny County Opioid Settlement Projects.

Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) in the Allegheny County Jail

This dashboard shows the current population of people who are receiving MOUD in the jail. as well as associated outcomes before and after their release. Data from 2021-present and updated weekly.

Mental Health Crisis Service Trends: Interactive Dashboard

These interactive dashboards show information from resolve Crisis Services and include call volume, demographics of callers and mobile team dispatches. Data is available from 2023 to present and is updated monthly.

People working together to place a puzzle piece

Improving Prioritization of Housing Services: Implementation of the Allegheny Housing Assessment (AHA) and the Mental Health Allegheny Housing Assessment (MH-AHA)

New information added. Since 2017, DHS has used data driven models to support prioritization of housing resources. Read more about their development and deployment in the homelessness and behavioral health systems.

Improving Access to Mental Health Outpatient Services for Adult Medicaid Patients

Allegheny County Department of Human Services (DHS), along with Community Care Behavioral Health (CCBH), are pursuing a series of investments and initiatives aimed at addressing access to mental health services.

Child Fatality/Near Fatality Ingestion Analysis

This report covers child fatalities and near fatalities in Allegheny County with a focus on drug ingestions, an increasing cause of these here and nationwide. The report discusses some of the county’s strategies to address this issue.

A crowd of diverse faces

Community Need Index

Updated with 2022 data. The Allegheny County Need Index was developed to identify areas of the County that have greater relative need. This report and related materials explore census tracts in need and recent trends.

DHS Goals and Key Initiatives: 2024

DHS can reach our goals more quickly if we devote time and attention to several big, bold initiatives that will make our systems and our organization work better for everyone we serve. This document outlines our key initiatives in 2024—which are in addition to our core work of running effective systems of care for people.

DHS 2023 Accomplishments

This report highlights the 2023 DHS accomplishments that stood out. There are many, many other achievements. We chose the ones that made the biggest difference.

Allegheny County’s Involuntary Hospitalization (302) Program

The Allegheny County Department of Human Services (DHS) conducted a study of the involuntary hospitalization program in the county. Involuntary hospitalizations occur when an individual undergoing a psychiatric episode is […]

Frequent Utilizers of Services in Allegheny County

What are these reports about? Nationally and locally, policymakers and practitioners are interested in the people who frequently use publicly funded services, particularly crisis services. Most people who use crisis […]

Improving Crisis Prevention and Response

Researchers and public representatives met to address challenges that persist throughout our crisis system. They developed a set of 16 recommendations.

Accidental Overdose Deaths: Interactive Dashboard and Report

This report and dashboard describe accidental overdose deaths that occurred in Allegheny County, with a look at trends in numbers of deaths, demographics, and substances involved.

Diverse hands clasped together

A Behavioral Health and Criminal Justice Cross-System Evaluation: Findings and Recommendations

Throughout the United States, people experiencing behavioral health challenges are overrepresented in the criminal justice system and Allegheny County is no exception. To better understand the state of our current […]

Value-Based Contracting within the Allegheny County HealthChoices Behavioral Health System

One way that Allegheny County promotes the provision of high quality behavioral health services is through value-based contracting (VBC), which pays providers of behavioral health services based on quality of […]