Substance Use and Mental Health

Suicide Data, 2002–Present: Interactive Dashboard
This dashboard displays information about County suicide trends since 2002

Allegheny County Suicides, 2008–2017: Data Brief
Suicide rates have been rising in nearly every state in the U.S. in recent years, and in Pennsylvania and Allegheny County, suicide rates are higher than the nation’s. This data […]

Locations of Substance Use and Mental Health Treatment Facilities in Allegheny County: Interactive Dashboard
This dashboard provides information on licensed substance use disorder and mental health treatment providers in Allegheny County as of August 2018.

Naloxone Distribution in the Allegheny County Jail to Prevent Overdose: Data Brief
In 2016, the Allegheny County Jail began offering naloxone, a life-saving medication that rapidly reverses opioid overdose, to people exiting the jail. Since then, the jail has distributed over a […]

The Journey into Allegheny County’s Substance Use Disorder Treatment System
People struggling with unhealthy drug or alcohol use sometimes face challenges when it comes to accessing treatment. Research has found that lack of insurance, unfamiliarity with treatment options, a shortage […]

Annual Reports of the Consumer Action Response Team (CART)
The Allegheny County Consumer Action Response Team (CART) gathers feedback from consumers of publicly-funded behavioral health services, which include mental health services and drug and alcohol treatment for adults, children […]

Mental Health Involuntary Commitment: Interactive Dashboard
An involuntary commitment, also known as a 302, may occur when an individual is exhibiting symptoms of mental illness that are unmanageable and may result in danger to themselves or […]

Joint Position Statement on Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorders in Allegheny County
Allegheny County, like much of Western Pennsylvania, is in the midst of an opioid overdose epidemic and it is vitally important that County residents have access to the best and […]

Mental Health Involuntary Commitment: Report
An involuntary commitment is an application for emergency evaluation and treatment for a person who is considered to be a danger to self or others due to symptoms of a […]

Behavioral Health Services in The Allegheny County Jail
The high percentage of inmates with mental health and/or substance use issues presents significant challenges to the correctional system. Untreated behavioral health issues contribute to higher rates of recidivism as […]

Drug-Exposed Newborns
Although prenatal drug/alcohol exposure cases accounted for less than two percent of child welfare referrals in Allegheny County, this exposure can have significant health and developmental consequences. More than one […]

Youth Using Behavioral Health Services: Making the Transition from the Child to Adult System
Addressing the specific needs of youth across multiple life domains as they transition from the children’s behavioral health treatment system to the adult treatment system is critically important. To help quantify […]

Effect of Mental Health Court on Arrests and Jail Days – A Multi-site Study
Northwestern University Click to read the full report.

Asking Why – Reasserting the Role of Community Mental Health
Judge David L. Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law Click to read the full report.

A Worthy Diversion
The Politics of Mental Illness, The American Prospect Special Report Click to read the full report.