Older Adults

Analysis of services for our region’s older adults, including participant surveys and information about protective services for older adults.
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A crowd of diverse faces

Community Need Index

Updated with 2022 data. The Allegheny County Need Index was developed to identify areas of the County that have greater relative need. This report and related materials explore census tracts in need and recent trends.

DHS Goals and Key Initiatives: 2024

DHS can reach our goals more quickly if we devote time and attention to several big, bold initiatives that will make our systems and our organization work better for everyone we serve. This document outlines our key initiatives in 2024—which are in addition to our core work of running effective systems of care for people.

DHS 2023 Accomplishments

This report highlights the 2023 DHS accomplishments that stood out. There are many, many other achievements. We chose the ones that made the biggest difference.

DHS Annual Plans and Budgets

In its responsibility for administering publicly-funded human services, Allegheny County Department of Human Services (DHS) plans for the allocation of more than $1B in areas that span behavioral health, children […]

Intimate Partner Violence Reform Initiative: Report on progress

The Intimate Partner Violence Reform Initiative was created in May 2022 to coordinate policy and system-level work across agencies in Allegheny County to improve a complex and fragmented system for […]

Happy adult children hugging old mother

Calls to the SeniorLine: Interactive Dashboard

What is this dashboard about? This dashboard displays information about the SeniorLine, a resource where individuals can receive information about services and programs for older adults in Allegheny County. SeniorLine […]

Happy adult children hugging old mother

University of Pittsburgh’s Aging Services Landscape Scan

This report was created by University of Pittsburgh and describes services offered by county Area Agency’s on Aging to help inform local strategies. What is this report about?  This report […]

Older Adults’ Perspectives on Home Delivered Meals: A Survey of Participant Satisfaction

In partnership with nine community-based providers, Allegheny County Department of Human Services (DHS) provides home-delivered meals to older adults in need. In order to learn more about meal recipient satisfaction, […]

Introducing Performance-Based Contracting: A Comparison of Implementation Models

Linking provider payments to performance measures is gaining popularity as a way to improve outcomes, efficiency and innovations.  Three performance-based contracting models have been implemented in Allegheny County, targeting: 1) […]

Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste: Building a Better Home-Delivered Meals System

When its largest provider of Home -Delivered Meals (HDM) suddenly decided to discontinue its service, the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) had just weeks to ensure that 800 frail and […]

Retooling with Rigor: Upgrading the Area Agency on Aging’s Options Care Management Program

In 2011, the Allegheny County Area Agency on Aging, part of the county’s Department of Human Services, embarked on an effort to improve the quality of its Options Care Management […]

Prevention Programs Across the Department of Human Services

DHS is committed to meeting the human services needs of county residents, particularly the county’s most vulnerable populations, through an extensive range of prevention, early intervention, crises management and after–care […]

The State of Technology in Aging Services in Pennsylvania

Center for Aging Services Technology, American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging Click to read the full report.